Saturday, April 16, 2011

||| orz <(...)

As the title says...
Guhaa....last post was like... 2 years ago...
due to the fact that I didn't have internet connection during my holidays (which to conclude that everything fun happens that time). And resulting in abbandon my own blog (which I guess didn't have any followers... ||orz)

Nevermind that.. I guess I can continue from here on...and pick up what I left behind and post every AMGMs I get this past 2 years... So it gotta take some time...

(Problem 101: What "AMGM" should I post first... ||orz)

p/s: Those wondering what "orz" means... It's a Japanese icon of showing depression state...where the figure shows a form of a man...err...the almost-bow-position on the floor...yeah..something like that...hence,the orz...

Theme: KOTOKO - Princess Bride!

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